How To Do Conversational Hypnosis — Step by Step Guide

Expert Guides eBooks
6 min readSep 22, 2020


“You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.” — Lee Iacocca

You are going to learn how exactly you are going to do conversational hypnosis.

In conversational hypnosis, You’re focusing people so intensely that you create a freedom for the unconscious mind to act beyond the normal constraints of what the conscious mind thinks is permissible or real or proper. And this is the power of hypnosis.

You can do so by doing the following steps.

Stage 1: Get their Attention

This is the first step of making people listen to you. You need to set the frame of the whole conversation.

Framing means the beginning and topic of your conversation.

For example, when some people are meeting together, you will notice that whoever starts the conversation, others will follow the conversation based on the topic and flow selected by the first communicator or whoever initiated conversation.

This is a very important step. You have to be creative to make them interested in your conversation.

Stage 2: Overtake the Conscious Mind

Now, before you communicate with their unconscious mind, you need to shut down their conscious mind. Their conscious mind’s job is to analyze and be critical to your message.

You are going to learn some hypnotic languages that subtly bypass their conscious mind and slip into their unconscious mind.

It might have happened with you that people have rejected your idea or suggestions even though they were beneficial for them.

It’s because their conscious mind is constantly analyzing and thinking critically about your ideas or suggestions.

Once you will learn how to overtake their conscious mind, you will be in a far better position to speak to their unconscious mind.

Stage 3: Trigger Unconscious Mind

Now, your next task is to speak to their unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is where emotions are stored. We need to create positive emotions in their mind.

Positive emotions such as happiness, trust, comfort, satisfaction, attachment, care, love etc. When there is an emotional response from their mind, it’s the unconscious response.

People are more receptive and least resistant when their unconscious mind is at play. We will learn how we can speak to their unconscious mind.

Follow the next step with this step.

Stage 4: Lead the person’s mind to mutually beneficial results

This step is the most important.

There is no such thing as disagreement. There is only a different cluster of ideas, information, opinion, perspective, beliefs, experience, etc.

People are having two different perspectives.

Remember that we need to get to their point ‘B’, their reality and then lead them to our point ‘A’, your reality.

If you get their attention, shut down their conscious mind and trigger their unconscious mind, and you don’t lead them to an outcome that is beneficial for both parties, there is no point of doing conversation.

Every communication has an intention. You should always have an intention to inspire people to explore more possibilities and guide them to reach to a better outcome.

It’s just like you both are on different sides of a maze. They can see wall only and they don’t know how to reach to your outcome. Your task is to reach to them and guide them along the way to reach to your outcome.

Let’s take a look at this example of a small hypnotic conversation.

In this example, we are helping two people who have the problem with each other at work and you are their boss.

First of all, you need to acknowledge both of them and convince that both of them are right. Everyone has their own ego mechanism in their mind.

Let’s see how you can talk to them:

“Hi, Michael. Sit down for a while. We have realized that you and Dave are having a dispute over some issues. And you are probably right too. Maybe you would like to argue on every single issue and that’s OK because you want to prove yourself right.

I have to accept that you are good at your work and you know how to do your work elegantly. You have earned good respect from many and people are happy to work with you. You also need to realize that everyone has different opinions and priorities. They are right too from their perspectives.

You have managed people in your past elegantly and you just need to apply the same strategies to deal with Dave too. After all, we all seek for happiness in our relationship and that’s our hidden aspiration too.

You know how to deal comfortably with difficult people. I don’t need to teach you how to do it. You already have many ideas to establish good relationships with people, haven’t you?”

How was this example? Isn’t it less threatening compared to harsh arguments?

Now, there is a word of caution.

I personally prefer not to discuss on following topics.

Political values, Religious Values, Cultural values.

I would suggest you to never discuss on these values. You will probably never win the argument and they will never lose.

You will waste your energy and time when you discuss on those topics.

Stay away from such discussions.

Our job is to guide people to reach to the outcome which is good for both parties.


1. This is really interesting exercise. You need to randomly meet people, preferably known people. Start a conversation and try to hold attention for as long as you can. How are you going to do it?

Well, I advise you to be creative. Just hold someone’s attention to you for as long as possible. Do whatever it takes you to make them listen to you and stick to your conversation.

It’s a quite fun and your unconscious mind will automatically help you to find ways to continue your conversation. Hint: Eye contact and smile.

2. As an observer, look people who are doing conversation. Notice how they look, stand and behave when they are fully paying attention to the conversation.

Find out how people are looking when they are in trance. This exercise will help you to spot when someone is in trance while talking to you.

Just open your eyes, open your ears, be a people-watcher wherever you go. You can do this in a bar, in a club. You can do this in the office, on the way to work, on a train, on a bus. You can do it in a sidewalk as people are going to and from wherever it is that they’re going to.

Just observe people and notice whatever changes occur. And ask yourself what are the specific changes that you can see when someone is highly focused in a particular task.

3. Watch just any activity where other people become highly focused on the task — maybe it’s watching TV, reading a book, on the computer, on the phone, maybe on the train or tube going home and trying to ignore people around them. Maybe they’re just standing on the street, talking with each other, and ignoring the rest of the world. And I want you to ask yourself this question:

“What is different about them?”

So that you can see that these people are highly focused and engaged in whatever it is that they are doing.

“What is different about them to everyone else that is not in that state?”

Do all of these exercises and you will learn conversational hypnosis much faster and easily.

“We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” — Epictetus



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